At Mayfield, we follow the Ealing Agreed Syllabus, Sowing the Seeds of the Future which has been approved by Ealing SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education).
The syllabus promotes pupils self-esteem, cultivates understanding and spiritual and moral development. We teach about the main religions of the world, acknowledge the faiths of our pupils and acknowledge that not all families are religious. We do not teach the children to worship any particular faith but celebrate our rich and diverse community.
As part of religious education study, children will have visits from people from a range of different faith backgrounds and visit religious places of worship of all the main religions studied. This enables them to understand each other's beliefs and promotes the British values of tolerance and respect. Parents are encouraged to allow children to participate in all visits to ensure that we are showing respect for all members of our community and develop mutual understanding of each other.
A daily act of collective worship takes place – some as whole school, some as a separate key phase and some are within a class group setting.
To find out more about the syllabus, please click on the link below
Parents may wish to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship. If this is the case the head teacher is to be advised.